Saturday, October 26, 2013

Everything Old is New Again - Year A rewind

My third year. I remember, through mercifully fuzzy memories, the fear of my first cooking labs... my first anything in Home Ec. All of the things I imagined could/might go wrong. Some of those things happened... nothing that couldn't be dealt with, though. There was the exploding oven door, the blender blowouts, the bloodshed... um. Yeah.

We're nearing the end of the 6/7 term. The grade 8s term goes for a few more weeks. I wish they synched up. It's so hard to keep a mental calendar going.

The grade 8s made POPCORN BALLS! Partly because one student has never really gotten over missing out on it two years ago. So, of course, one student in her group complained bitterly about NOT wanting to do it. We made them. Phooey on complainers!

Last time, popcorn balls was a 2 day lab. This time we did it in a single 41-minute block. Making popcorn on the stove-top would have been enough, really. They had a blast! Only one group burned their popcorn, and that was when they spilled it all over the burner and then watched it go up in smoke.

Melting the marshmallows was the hard part - they had the option to use the saucepan, or the microwave. Not one, but TWO groups used METAL bowls in the microwave!!! I wonder if it would help if I put signs on the microwaves indicating no metal? Or maybe the grade 8s should only do food preparation that doesn't involve any kind of "cooking" or preparation involving things with electricity.

The 6/7s are going to make quesadillas this week. Hopefully no nasty surprises there. The tricky parts are grating cheese and flipping the quesadillas, and they did quite well with the pancakes.

In textiles, the 6/7s are knitting, and doing very well! I have a few continental knitters, so I've had to learn that... although none of us can do a continental purl yet. Many of the students have learned not only to knit, but to purl, increase and decrease! There's a "math class polarization" going on - some are excelling, some aren't getting it at all, and there's very little middle ground. Just like math class. The determination is impressive though - I have some students stuck on the first row, and day after day they've been willing to go back and try again. I'm really impressed! Photos to follow!

The 8s are doing New and Improved button blanket banners! We kicked the bar up several notches with more detailed totems and different stitching and button criteria. The finished blankets will look great... the problem is... I don't think very many students will actually finish. It's just a bit too much for many and they're getting tired. We're at a very dangerous place where they're starting to resent the project, sewing in general and possibly me in particular. I don't want them to hate sewing. I want them to know a few basic stitches, be proud of their projects and be willing to consider Home Ec in high school. Or at least take away some basic skills. So, I'm re-thinking the project for next term. Or at least, the pacing of the project. Time to mix it up a bit and see if that helps change the energy in class.